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Flexible Payment Planning


When a person or their family member first becomes aware that they need care support, they frequently have concerns about; how much the care will cost, who will have to pay for it, whether they are entitled to any financial support and if funding themselves how they can afford to pay for it.


Some care options can be perceived as expensive, but it doesn’t mean they all are. When it comes to planning the right care for you, it is worth considering the funding routes and benefits that may be available to help you if you need home help or personal care. 


For example, care may be funded in full or part by your local authority depending on individual circumstances. It is therefore important and worth exploring the funding options available before making a final decision. 


If you need support in your own home, your local authority might be able to help with the costs of care.


As a first step, it is a good idea to request a needs assessment before arranging care. This will help you decide on the level of care needed and if care at home is suitable for you.

If you need care, the council will then do a financial assessment (means test) to work out what you will have to pay towards the cost of your care.


The means test works out if:

  • the council pays the full cost of your care

  • the council pays some of the cost and and you pay the rest

  • you pay for all of your care

The financial assessment is free. You don't need to book it – it'll be arranged for you after your needs assessment. Read more about the financial assessment.


If the council is going to pay towards your care, you'll get a personal budget. The amount will be worked out when the council makes a care and support plan with you.


You can choose to get your personal budget in 3 ways, as:

  • direct payment into your bank account each month for you to pay for your care – the council will usually ask for receipts to see you're spending your money on care

  • the council arranges and pays for your care for you

  • a mixed personal budget – the council arranges some of your care and you arrange and pay for the rest with a personal budget

You can speak to someone for advice on personal budgets by calling the Disability Rights UK Helpline free on 0330 995 0404.


Through any of the above options, you have the independence and control to choose your own care through a provider such as Tamworth Home Care.


You will not be entitled to help with the cost of care from your local council if you have savings worth more than £23,250. However, your council can still do an assessment to check what care you might need. This is called a needs assessment.

For example, it'll tell you whether you need home help from a paid carer for 2 hours a day or 2 hours a week and precisely what they should help you with.

The needs assessment is free and anyone can ask for one.

Find out more about getting a needs assessment


Paying for home care can become very expensive. Fortunately, Tamworth Home Care offer a very competitive hourly rate and will work hard to ensure all your needs are met and that you achieve value for your money.


For further advice, you can contact:


Or, get in touch with us! We have over 99 years of experience in the domiciliary care sector and can point you in the right direction of any help or support you may require!

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